
The ability to be active for a long period of time when required; having stamina.

has stamina
is able to spread his/her energy adequately
understands his/her own energy

is able to focus and work hard for hours on end
is able to spread his/her energy effectively
recuperates quickly after long and intensive work
is not afraid of taking on extra work or making extra efforts
is enthusiastic even after a day of hard work

is focused and alert at the end of a long, monotonous meeting
does not give up when facing difficulties, searches for solutions until the end
manages to produce extra energy for an important task
does not lose accuracy at the end of a hard day`s work
is able to work under continuous pressure

is able to recover after a heavy blow
has side jobs and is able to work at nights and on weekends
sees new possibilities after a big disappointment
is able to handle emotionally exhausting conversations and situations without being fully drained
is aware of his/her energy and capable of spreading it adequately over various activities
understands and controls his/her emotions that cost a lot of energy

Energy can be easily developed if the candidate has a more than average score (7,8,9) on the drives Energy & action and Persistence.

What time of day are you most active? When are you least active and least productive?
How much have you been working overtime in the last few months?
Do you have time for hobbies, clubs, or study outside of your work? How much time have you spent on those over the last month?
How did you spend your spare time this week?
How much sleep do you normally need? Can you remember a situation in which you had to be alert after little sleep?

Clarify for yourself what you want with your work in the near future. What gives you energy?
Ask yourself whether this type of work suits you.
Plan more moments to relax.
If possible, cycle to work more often.
Stay positive, do not complain.

Encourage your candidate to engage in outdoor activities such as sports or cycling to work.
Evaluate with your candidate how he organizes his life and deals with potential problems. Does anything require a substantial amount of energy?
Evaluate with the candidate what kind of work costs him a lot of energy and what kind of work gives him energy. Try and find a balance between the two.
Evaluate with the candidate what activities give him energy in his spare time. Encourage the candidate to engage in those activities.
Investigate with your candidate what could make him feel less energetic. Can the cause be found in the work’s content or its organization; in colleagues, or personal issues?


The ability to be active for a long period of time when required; having stamina.

  • What time of day are you most active? When are you least active and least productive?
  • How much have you been working overtime in the last few months?
  • Do you have time for hobbies, clubs, or study outside of your work? How much time have you spent on those over the last month?
  • How did you spend your spare time this week?
  • How much sleep do you normally need? Can you remember a situation in which you had to be alert after little sleep?

  • has stamina
  • is able to spread his/her energy adequately
  • understands his/her own energy

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