Make sure your candidate sets his own goals which he will practise to attain. Ask for feedback on which goals are attained and which are not.
Ask your candidate to write down five factors that help attain a certain goal and five factors that get in the way. Encourage him to find a way to deal with the hindering factors constructively.
Evaluate with your candidate how he organizes his life and deals with potential problems. Does anything require a substantial amount of energy?
Let your candidate draw a plan of the clients he wants to visit in the near future; the goal of that visit; and the approach he will take. Ask him to place himself in the client’s shoes and think how he could be more client friendly. Discuss the plan. Is he empathetic enough? When needed, ask him to discuss his ideas with colleagues before visiting the client.
Design a tangible plan with your candidate for the near future. Ensure the goals are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely).