
Being susceptible to the attitudes, feelings, or circumstances of others and being aware of the influence of one’s own behavior on them.

possesses a `social antenna'
pays attention to other people and their behavior (what they say and do)
has a proper self-perception

does not interrupt others; lets them finish their stories
is open, interested and respectful toward opinions different from his/her own
interprets other people's feelings to show he/she has not merely heard the other person but also understood his/her feelings
asks further questions about someone's views and emotional remarks
hears and addresses other people's responses to his/her own behavior

makes it easy for other people to discuss delicate matters
addresses suspected dissatisfaction and unexpressed emotions
anticipates and addresses possible responses to his/her behavior, actions and remarks
understands when a remark is misinterpreted or taken the wrong way
understands when the other person is embarrassed and shows that s/he understands

realizes how his/her position in the organization may affect the other person
distinguishes and addresses tensions between team members
notices when the other person is embarrassed and attempts to relieve this embarrassment
understands the interaction between group members and makes it open for discussion in case of ineffectiveness
takes other people's feelings and relationships into account when bringing up delicate matters
is open to a variety of standards, values, cultures and rules, and acts accordingly

Sensitivity can be easily developed if the candidate has a more than average score (7,8,9) on the drive Social empathy.

Could you give an example of a conversation you had with an employee who had a problem? Who took the initiative for this conversation? What did you do in order to help solving the problem?
When did you last encounter an employee who was emotional? What did you do? Would you do something differently next time?
Could you give an example of a recent situation in which somebody else responded to a problem completely differently than you would have done? How did you respond?
When do you give colleagues or employees a compliment?
Did it ever happen to you that a colleague asked you something to which you could not oblige - this being very disappointing to her?

Take another person’s situation into account.
Allow other people to express their opinions.
Take careful notice of the other person’s non-verbal language; what does his body communicate that he does not say?
Pay attention to important events in other people’s lives such as: disease, adversity, marriage or family expansion.
Avoid approaching the other person as an enemy; keep your objective in mind.

Explain the importance of being aware of other people’s ideas and opinions and the possibility and necessity of dealing with them tactically.
Encourage your candidate to make a list of people who annoy him. Ask the candidate to make an effort to get to know these people in order to view their annoying behavior in the light of their qualities and their backgrounds. What can he learn from these people?
Take careful notice of your candidate’s body language. Does it correspond with his spoken language?
Encourage your candidate to ask colleagues to discuss situations with him in which they felt he had a little understanding of other people's feelings. Ask the candidate to reflect on these responses.
Encourage the candidate to be attentive to events that matter to other people. Encourage him to genuinely listen to other people’s stories.


Being susceptible to the attitudes, feelings, or circumstances of others and being aware of the influence of one’s own behavior on them.

  • Could you give an example of a conversation you had with an employee who had a problem? Who took the initiative for this conversation? What did you do in order to help solving the problem?
  • When did you last encounter an employee who was emotional? What did you do? Would you do something differently next time?
  • Could you give an example of a recent situation in which somebody else responded to a problem completely differently than you would have done? How did you respond?
  • When do you give colleagues or employees a compliment?
  • Did it ever happen to you that a colleague asked you something to which you could not oblige - this being very disappointing to her?

  • possesses a `social antenna'
  • pays attention to other people and their behavior (what they say and do)
  • has a proper self-perception

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